62. WHY ME? What will unleash or sabotage you


Why am I the greatest? Why am I the leader of this? Why am I the one to achieve this dream? Why am I the one capable of doing it and going all in? Why I am confident in this

We’ve got to find this

You’ve got to know that you are the one in every area of your life

In this episode we talk about: 

💎 How we've been taught to be humble but it's important to recognize our worth and not be seen as more or less than others.

💎 Embracing failure as intentional for growth and learning, rather than just a setback, shifts the perspective on personal development.

💎 The dreams inside our hearts are not just superficial desires, but a reflection of the person God wants us to become.

💎Why subconscious habits are often there to protect us, even if they seem irrational or harmful on the surface.

💎Habit transformation occurs when you have an understanding of why you're doing the things that you're doing, it's not just a willpower issue.

💎Unleashing the authentic aligned version of oneself is the unsexy work that leads to amazing results.



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A Total Transformation Program 
Unlock Your Personal Power 
Unleash Your health, vitality, energy and inner radiance like never before 


As someone who captivates you do the things, you go where other's haven't tried before. You see and experience things about yourself and FOR yourself that others only dream of actually doing. 


Unlock the health, habits, routines and way of being that excites and entices you 


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