60. UNLEASHED- Finding Alignment and Empowerment Through Your Fears

THIS PRACTICE CHANGED MY LIFE. No joke. Or exaggeration. 


Sometimes, we feel like we are doing the things and trying so dang hard. Yet… your answer is right in front of you. But you’re blinded by it because you’re not willing to see that the answer comes when you recognize and find clarity in what you are afraid of. 


What fears are stopping me from showing up in the way I truly want to be showing up?


Your answer to THAT question… will unlock and unleash you. Get Ready… 


In this episode, we talk about: 


🔥Why can embracing personal power and setting high standards bring up fears. It's essential for showing up as the confident, influential version of oneself.

🔥How embracing both the good and the bad can give you more energy and power to handle difficult situations.

🔥Why it's not about having bad days, but about choosing how to respond and knowing how to lead oneself out of it without blame or shame.

🔥The power that comes with eading with love in relationships and holding the standard of what you know is right in your own heart 

🔥Why understanding your personal power and creating a plan to strengthen yourself is crucial for handling challenges.

🔥How the moment you confront your fears, you'll realize how powerful and in control you truly are.



Register for Allure: https://www.katychryst.com/ALLURE

1:1 Coaching: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/96xKodAb/checkout

Katy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katy.chryst.youngdahl/


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