58. The Inner Work: Trust. Tolerance. Teach by Example. Develop by Learning

This episode was inspired by a podcast I recorded back in October of 2022. 


I dont know why… but last Thursday I went back and listened to the podcast “My Dad Got Fired– 3 Lessons Learned” and found that my understanding of these lessons has significantly deepened. 


In this episode, we talk about: 

🦅Why it’s critical to understand when you have a defense mechanism and when you're responding to life events from an empowered version of yourself.

🦅How my journey of self-discovery and bravery in creating a community through this podcast has served as a powerful reminder of the strength within all of us.

🦅The impact of my grandfather's faith-based values 

🦅Why trusting in your desires and dreams is the first step to believing that they are possible for you and that you are on the right path.

🦅Why emotions are not a sign of being off track, but a message from our body to either correct our path or learn a valuable lesson.

🦅Why learning about yourself deeply is more important than the actual doing of itself, as it helps you understand what gets in the way of your goals and develop a sequence for success.



Listen to Episode 11. My Dad Got Fired- 3 of the Strongest Lesson's I've Ever Felt 

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1:1 Coaching: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/96xKodAb/checkout

Katy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katy.chryst.youngdahl/


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