56. Masterclass Day 1- Becoming The One

Welcome to an insight into Becoming The One Masterclass. 

This week's podcast is an excerpt from the most recent masterclass- all about reclaiming our confidence, magnetism, and magic. 

In this episode, we talk about: 

🌹Why knowing the truth about yourself and navigating your emotions is key to building personal power and confidence. 
🌹The power of emotional intelligence, control over thoughts and feelings, and the importance of creating positive self-perception and confidence.
🌹Why creating mastery around ourselves and knowing ourselves is the first step in becoming the best version of ourselves.
🌹How embracing the truth that "I am the one" leads to a shift in power dynamics and respect in relationships.
🌹How critical it is to notice and become aware of how our brain has been conditioned to view and respond to the world, to untangle the story currently being played out.


Register for BECOMING THE ONE Masterclass here: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/o97DbBFF

1:1 Coaching: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/96xKodAb/checkout

Katy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katy.chryst.youngdahl/


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