55. Significantly Increase Your Self Confidence by Breaking Your Emotional Mold

Want to increase your self confidence?? It may be a little bit different of a process then what you’;ve thought. 


This week’s podcast episode, we’re talking about why embracing and processing negative emotions is crucial for our own personal growth AND more important- is one of the keys to increasing our self confidence and overal personal power and  empowerment.


This is a important conversation that we as women do not have. And actually, there is a societal double standard of emotional expression: Men are allowed to express anger and sadness, while us women are often criticized showcasing any type of emotion, nevertheless asking for space to express these emotions. 


In this episode, we talk about: 

✨How to make life feels more magical by slowing down and shifting our narrative. 

✨The societal double standard of emotional expression and how this influences our self confidence. 

✨Why the importance of self-care goes beyond just the act itself, it's about understanding the deeper meaning and impact on ourselves.

✨How to transform our negative emotions into inner strength and confidence 

✨Why cultivating a positive perspective on our emotions can help us handle whatever life throws at us.



Register for BECOMING Masterclass here: 

1:1 Coaching: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/96xKodAb/checkout

Katy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katy.chryst.youngdahl/



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