53. INSIDE- The Black Wolf Archetype. Day 2 of The Alpha Masterclass

This week's podcast episode is SOOOO GOOD!!!! Seriously… like took Katy’s breath away kind of good. 


Today, we’re talking about what it looks like to walk with fear. We’re untangling what it looks like to hold onto our goals and dreams with unwavering belief and how to NOT self-sabotage ourselves in the process. 


Why do we self-sabotage? 


We have been taught to avoid failure– therefore we play small, careful, we take our time, we overthink, and then we still fail. 


And this right here- Going for your dreams while also holding onto avoiding failure- Causes resistance. Causes friction. 


We are unwilling to experience pain. 

  • We are not having the hard and uncomfortable conversations. 
  • We dont want to give up things that we have= that are of comforts and privilege. 
  • We donw want to say things that may get us in trouble. 
  • We dont want to be wrong or judged 


In this episode we’re untangling it all. We talk about: 

🐺Why our standard is to walk with one foot in gratitude and one foot in desire, holding onto our goals and dreams with unwavering belief.

🐺How our brain is conditioned to focus on fixing our shortcomings, but we have the power to recondition it and focus on gratitude and intentionality.

🐺Why fear of failure causes resistance and friction, leading us to play small and overthink, ultimately hindering our pursuit of our dreams.

🐺Why knowing how to swim in the cold water is essential for conquering new challenges and not pulling the plug on our dreams.

🐺Why it's not about avoiding failure anymore, it's about walking with fear but knowing what to do about it.

🐺Why the key is not to change, but to go deeper inside yourself and showcase your courage by facing failure and discomfort.

🐺How the black wolf archetype challenges you to conquer your fears and show that you are capable of anything out of love and strength.


Take a listen 



Listen to all 3 days of ALPHA Masterclass here: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/ALCSDmBg

Join Invested The Resolution Rebellion: https://www.katychryst.com/invested

1:1 Coaching: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/96xKodAb/checkout

Katy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katy.chryst.youngdahl/


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