50. A Guide To Elevating Our Self Worth

This week, Katy talks about increasing our levels of self-worth. Why is this conversation important? Because so many of us are devaluing ourselves and therefore blocking our dream life from becoming reality. 


We’re elevating our self worth and value this week!


In this episode we will talk about: 


💰Why it’s important to be mindful of the words we use to describe ourselves and our beliefs

💰How to have open conversations about overcoming obstacles to becoming our most valuable, worthy, and confident selves.

💰How to recode the 95% of our brain that is our subconscious saboture

💰Why our perceived self-worth and value are subjective, influenced by emotions and context

💰Why our need for seeking external validation is detrimental to our self-worth

💰Why understanding the definitions of worth and value can help determine our self-worth

💰How purpose and our skill set is essential for increasing our confidence

💰The power of facing fear and having face-to-face conversations for emotional growth


Our self value direcrly correlates to our recievivership in our manifestations. If we feel we are worthy- we’ll get what we’re desiring! 


But if there are hints of unworthiness or moments of not feeling enough- this is why we block our manifestations from coming to us. 



Enrollment is open for ALLURE: https://katychryst.mykajabi.com/ALLURE

The Elixir Masterclass: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/EuFf76fv/checkout

1:1 Coaching: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/96xKodAb/checkout

Katy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katy.chryst.youngdahl/


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