49. Embracing the Goddess Within- Understanding Your Feminine Energy

This week we’re talking about what it looks like to embrace our feminine energy, understanding and honing in our emotions, and cultivating emotional resilience are crucial for unlocking our best version and becoming a confident, magnetic woman.


Why is this important? 


Because by prioritizing our self-worth over external validation, we open ourselves up to a world of limitless possibilities. Yet- what often keeps us stuck is that we tend to shut off this inherent  feminine side of us because it doesnt look “productive.” 


This leads us to constantly be in our masculine, going and doing and working. And though it may give us results (adding to the desire for external validation mentioned above) the underlying feeling we experience gives us an insight into how balanced our out of balance we reall are. 


If we are feeling exhaustion, burnt out, overwhelmed, frustrated, bitter – these are all signs we’ve been neglecting  


Crazy thing is… if we’ve shut out the feminine for so long we may not even be aware of the emotional signs above. Further showcasing how disconnected we have become with our bodies, our intuition, and our feminine power. 


In this episode, which is a module taken from The Elixir Masterclass, we talk about: 


🌹Why the world lacks strong feminine leadership

🌹How embracing feminine energy is crucial for balancing productivity. 

🌹How our feminine energy is the battery that powers our personal empowerment.

🌹Why our emotions are often seen as weakness and how this hinders our capability to handle conflict

🌹Why expanding emotional capacity is key to worthiness

🌹Why recognizing and understanding our emotions is crucial in avoiding burnout and self-sabotage

🌹How embracing your goddess energy and recognizing your worth leads to a fulfilling life without relying on external validation.

🌹How our fullfillment with our live is processed through our emotions 

🌹How our beliefs and strength in  emotional resiliency are key to success


Enrollment is open for ALLURE: https://katychryst.mykajabi.com/ALLURE

The Elixir Masterclass: https://www.katychryst.com/The-Elixir-Masterclass-Registration

1:1 Coaching: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/96xKodAb/checkout

Katy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katy.chryst.youngdahl/



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