46. Breaking Perfect: Our Path to Empowered Leadership

In this episode, we’re talking about one of the biggest blocks to our self-leadership and leadership… the motherhood wound…((dun dun dun))


There is so much depth that goes into the motherhood wound. And while there are different layers of context we could dive into— we’re talking about how the motherhood wound specifically influences our ability to lead ourselves and others efficiently. 


This is wound can run real deep, and it’s something that we can develop both consciously and sometimes without even realizing it during our childhood experiences. And it’s not about blaming our moms!!! But rather creating insight and introspection into what may be the ROOT at why we may struggle to take full ownership of our leadership AND self leadership abilities. 



Today's episode will cover: 

🌹Our great need to overcome perfection pressure

🌹Why its imperative to have a balanced heart and ego for effective leadership

🌹How our motherhood wound can impact our leadership abilities

🌹The motherhood wound's generational aspect and healing

🌹How cancel culture has affected women's leadership roles

🌹Healing wounds and letting go of perfectionism for equal power relationships

🌹Ways our motherhood wound can influence our relationships with our partners and friends 

🌹Steps to overcome fear and make progress: recognize and heal wounds, cultivate self-leadership, empathize, regulate the nervous system, focus on fulfillment.


A Free 4 Day Masterclass- The Playbook: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/CMJt3EZY/checkout

1:1 Coaching: https://www.katychryst.com/offers/96xKodAb/checkout

Katy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katy.chryst.youngdahl/


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