44. My promise to you....

My heart hurts over recent events... I feel fear, heartache, unbelievable sadness, anger, rage, confusion...

I don't know the answer... but what I do know deep down in my heart is that the world needs us all to step up. To confront what is keeping us small. To unleash the BEST versions of ourselves. And walk into leadership that is strengthened by our heart, love, humanity, and commitment to learning & growth.

We need leaders. We need leaders in our home, our streets, our neighborhoods, our cities, our states, our countries. The world.


And that's my promise to you in this episode. Because I haven't been leading from a place of empowerment... I've been afraid. I've been silenced. I've been stopped.


No more. 


I love you. And together- we're going to make this world a better place.

xo, Katy 


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