
Shatter your realities.
Unleash an UNRealistic you- in love, body & determination
EmBODIEd Health  



Watch the FREE Embodied Health Mini-Training here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y83rrBPsuD4 



We look at certain body types, certain lifestyles and we say that's unrealistic.

What's "realistic"-- this is the world we're living in...where we're given images on social media of a body type, we're told to look a certain way and act a certain way. THIS IS OUR REAL 


Yet we say its an unrealistic expectation

Yet... it's our realistic reality. What is real are the emotions brought up when we do see these images- and we compare ourselves or feel less than. 


And the term unrealistic has become a coping mechanism we use to hide our real insecurities, to veil our need for validation as a mask for our self love. 


What's actually UNRealistic 
is the ability to see images that may have triggered us before and know we can have it all, be it all, do it all- if we desire to. 

What's actually UNRealistic 
is to boldly claim you're all for the body, the life, the edge, the desire WITHOUT a need for validation or feeling unworthy only until  you get "there"

What's actually UNRealistic
is to love your body starting on DAY ONE and allow the embodiment of your personal power and your determination to truly follow through. 

What's actually UNRealistic 
is the ability to not blame, shame or fault yourself until you've "lost the weight." To not blame, shame or fault yourself in the mirror. 


We say that body type is unrealistic. That "she is" or "they are" promoting an unrealistic  standard. And yes-- manipulations are real. And that's our reality.  It's always been real to see imagery or other people that make us feel a certain way about ourselves. 


Claiming something is unrealistic is no longer a defense mechanism. 

Instead, UNRealistic is our anthem.  

What's Included 

- 6 Weeks content: averaging 2 modules/week

-Weekly Workbooks and Homework

-Q&A sessions offered periodically throughout the container

-Facebook Group for Support/Accountability 

VIP 1:1 Coaching

12 1:1 weekly coaching calls

Please note, Katy will be on maternity leave starting mid July and will only be taking a handful of 1:1 clients in the months of September & October